Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark is a game created by Edge of Reality and published by Activision. It is developed by Edge of Reality and and the fourth installment in the movie game series. The game may release on June 24, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
Game Play
It will be a third person shooting game. The game will have a single-player campaign that will let players choose whether they would like to affiliate themselves with the Autobots, to protect the Earth, or the Decepticons, to destroy the Earth. The multiplayer mode is known as the escalation mode, you should work together as four players to fight waves of increasingly tough enemies returns with upgradable defenses being added.
- Air Raid
- Arcee
- Bumblebee
- Cliffjumper
- Crosshairs
- Drift
- Grimlock
- Hound
- Ironhide
- Jazz
- Jetfire
- Optimus Prime
- Ratchet
- Sideswipe
- Silverbolt
- Slug
- Snarl
- Strafe
- Swoop
- Warpath
- Blast Off
- Brawl
- Bruticus
- Galvatron
- Hardshell
- Kickback
- Lockdown
- Megatron
- Onslaught
- Sharpshot
- Shockwave
- Skywarp
- Soundwave
- Starscream
- Stinger
- Swindle
- Thundercracker
- Vortex