Killzone 3-Game Play, Story, New Features and Release

Killzone 3 is a 2011 first-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 3, developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the fourth installment in the Killzone series, the first game in the series to be presented in stereoscopic 3D and the first to include motion controls using thePlayStation Move. It was released worldwide in February 2011.
 In it players continue the fight by a futuristic special ops team against the seemingly unstoppable Helghast Empire. Along the way players will learn more than ever before about the rabid Helghan culture, as well as become aware of an internal struggle in their ranks that may prove to be an important weakness. The game features full Playstation Move system integration throughout the game -- including the Move and Navigational controllers. Additional features include: the ability to carry two primary weapons, new melee and jet pack functionality and online multiplayer support.
StoryNew Features 
  • Revamp of controller input responsiveness - The "weighty" control issues of Killzone 2 have been addressed, allowing for faster movements without sacrificing precision.
  • Brutal Melee - Players will now be able to violently melee their opponents, similarly to Halo: Reach's Assassination system. The melee is also context sensitive allowing various executions depending on the location and status of both the attacker and victim.
  • Full 3D and PS Move support - The game features Playstation Move controls, as well as full support for 3D viewing.
  • Jet Packs - These new modes of transport allow for new levels of tactics on the battlefield.
  • Sliding into cover- This allows for a faster means of reaching cover, which may be vital for survival, and can be used to close the gap between you and the enemy.
  • Co-Op Campaign - Two players can play through the story at the same time locally.
  • Operations - A new multiplayer mode in which teams attempt to breach/defend objectives in various stages in a similar fashion to the campaign mode. at the end of each stage the highest ranked players are featured in cut scenes.
  • Class based multiplayer - These are determined by Experience Points gained from online battles.
  • Clan Squad based online multiplayer - Players can form clans online and battle together.
  • 24 player online - Online matches have been reduced from 32 to 24 players per match.

Visari, the leader of the Helghast, is dead, but the war is far from over. Helghast forces have mounted a devastating counterattack, prompting the ISA (Interplanetary Strategic Alliance) to smoke out evacuation of planet Helghan. As new Helghast battalions appear, armed with more powerful weapons, ISA forces find themselves outmanned, outgunned and surrounded. Players of Killzone 3 will need to learn more about their enemy and use new tools to continue the fight.

The game starts with the disguised Sev and Rico rescuing Captain Narville from execution by Jorhan Stahl, the main antagonist of the game. It then flashes six months back to right after the end of Killzone 2 with Sev sitting on the steps of the palace that belonged to the now dead Visari. A resurgent Helghast army, which appears to have received massive reinforcements, begins to decimate the remaining ISA forces. The ISA is now desperately trying to regroup and withdraw from the planet Helghan due to the imminent threat of defeat and annihilation.